Thursday, October 6, 2022

Supplement to "My Experience Falling Through a Bathroom Ceiling"

Referring back to my earlier post, My Experience Falling Through a Bathroom Ceiling, I’ve always wished someone had taken a photo of the moment. Thanks to the magic of A.I., I’ve now created a rough approximation of what it might have looked like to see me crashing through the ceiling of a high school restroom.

First try:

I thought this image suffered from the lack of  accompanying ceiling debris, it also didn't include the detail that I was wearing a suit jacket and looked like Gary Neuman.

This one is more like it. It included the broken ceiling and showed me coming down on top of a toilet. Also, I look like Ryan.

I look like Brother Todd in this one - kick open the door!

This one captures my confusion pretty well, though the toilet is halfway up the wall.

Anyway, I guess you would have had to have been there.