In 1988, I attended the annual Tarzan Zerbini Circus in Fort Wayne, Indiana, an event hosted by the Mizpah Indiana Shriners. Upon entering the arena, each attendee received a program filled with advertisements and information about the circus. The opening pages featured yearbook-style photographs of various Shriner officials, many of whom were present at the event that evening.
After the circus ended, I decided to stick around, program in hand, hoping to collect their autographs:
The only autograph missing from my collection is Mick Ulmer,
"Oriental Guide;" so if anybody knows him, hook me up.
Comments from original post on I'm Nacho
"And they really DO look all mysterious and oriental!!!
Absolutely NOT like average office guys only with stupid hats on,nooooo."
- Sandra
"Hey, Jonnie- Mick Ulmer lives right here in Bluffton,
Indiana. That is, he used to." - Andi
"WOW!!! I should've called him while I was down there!
Does he live in a castle?" - Jonnie
Bonus: A few more photos from that evening:
1. Jon Sr. in the parking lot, braving the sub-zero cold.
2. Me trying to hang with the Shriners.
3. Me and Sylvia Zerbini, accomplished aerialist & acrobat; daughter of Tarzan Zerbini himself.
4. The fantastically robust-looking fish sandwich Laura purchased at Azar's afterward.
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