Sunday, December 20, 2020
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Long Live This Ditch, 1983
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Long Live This Ditch, S.G. & J.C. '83." |
[Originally posted on Rebel Leady Boy, Feb. 4, 2006]
Bat Furfur
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Apple Dumpling!
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"Apple Dumpling." |
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"Apple Dumpling." |
Monday, June 29, 2020
Street Fair
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View from the ferris wheel, Anchorage, Alaska; May, 1996. |
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Found Drawing: Awkward for the Public!
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Oh, Deer
Batman, Bob
4th of July on the Roof
Fourth of July, 1989: on the roof in Columbia City, Indiana.
Nobody fell off!
At the time, I thought we were starting an annual tradition, but it lost steam after that very night.
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4th of July on the roof. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Cat Scan
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Machete on the scanner. |
[ Originally posted on The Real World…Blogger Style! – August 25, 2007 ]
Monday, June 22, 2020
Overheard: 180 Days Sober
Guy #1: "I drank myself into a coma. Woke up the next day, got a dog, and decided to be sober. Stayed that way for 180 days."
Twits, 2007-2012
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Pastey Whyte
Cat Thanksgiving, 2006

In 2006, I was renting a cheap room in Santa Ana, where the property was overrun by a colony of feral cats, neglected by the community and left to fend for themselves on scraps and garbage. It was heartbreaking—many of them were sick, constantly re-infecting each other with colds and worse. They were painfully thin, doomed to short lives on the streets. We managed to rescue one of them, Tiggi, but didn’t have the means to help the others.
That Thanksgiving, after cooking a feast for just the two of us, we had more leftovers than we could possibly eat. So, after setting aside a few meals, we decided to share the rest with the cats. What started on the back porch quickly turned into a street party of sorts, as the cats, one by one, began dragging off their own personal servings of turkey and stuffing.
Everyone ate their fill that night—except for one white cat I’d named Skeletor. He missed out on the feast, though I hoped he was getting fed somewhere else. I’ve never seen a turkey carcass picked so clean, so fast. Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Plastic Centaur Toy
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Plastic Centaur. |
On the Frank Farm: Secret Features
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Secret Feature @ the Frank Farm. |
Friday, June 19, 2020
Making Money: Venice Beach, pt. 2
Library Interaction: "16 & 18 Year Old Kids"
Man (frustrated): "The problem with everything these days is that media companies are only hiring 16 and 18-year-old kids to decide what counts as news and what gets made into TV shows and movies!"
Me: "What do you mean by 'only hiring 16 and 18-year-old kids'?"
Man: "Anyone under 50."
Me: "Oh."
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Making Money: Venice Beach, pt. 1
Rock On
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Stef Milanovic, age. 24
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Jon Sr.'s Piranha Log
Monday, June 15, 2020
Driving Stick
I went to forklift training this weekend and all they had was a stick shift, which I had no idea how to drive. It was pretty bad and the instructor was pretty cranky. I about ran the forklift through his wall and I kept laughing whenever I screwed something up, which was making the guy get madder and madder. In all my preoccupation over how to use the clutch without killing the machine, I kept forgetting the basic forklift safety video he'd just showed us. Looking behind you before going in reverse is very important, of course, because you could run into somebody; but it was far from my mind while I was learning how to drive a stick for the first time (in front of an audience no less).
Whenever I'd back up without looking, he'd yell, "You just killed somebody!!" and then I'd laugh really hard because he was so high strung. I was trying to concentrate on not letting the machine die and safety stuff was secondary to me. I also didn't tell him I didn't know how to drive a stick in the first place, so he thought I was just a real fuck-up.
He kept saying, "OK, I should tear up your license right now, but if you can move that crate and put it up on that shelf without fucking anything up, I'll let you have your license".
I'd say, "Alright" then take a deep breath thinking about how to work the forks and keep from killing the machine. I'd get oriented and start backing up, then he'd go "YOU JUST KILLED SIX PEOPLE!!!"
Then I'd laugh really hard and say, "I didn't mean to!"
I finally told him I’d never driven a stick before and he said, "oh, well, you should learn."
One other guy left before his test because he'd never driven a stick before either. After watching me and the instructor for awhile, he just snuck out the door and disappeared.
Anyway, there's a happy ending. The instructor told me I'd not get my license and to come back next week for more training (I was thinking, "Damn. So much for getting that forklift job then"). He took me into his office where he was really cool (I guess he was just acting like a hardass in front of the group). His associate said this sort of thing happens all the time and not to worry about it. The instructor told his associate to put my license on the bulletin board until next week when I would return to earn it, then he went out for the next class.
When he left, the associate said, "Don't worry about it", signed the license and then looked at the bulletin board and said, "There's so much stuff up there. I don't think we'd be able to find your license. It might get lost...I wonder where I could put it so it wouldn't get lost...{wink wink}...Here, I'll give it to you to hold on to and then you bring it back with you next week...{wink wink}...
I thanked him then left immediately...What a cool guy!
When I returned to the factory on Monday, I was SO NERVOUS about driving the forklift on the job. Then I found out it was a automatic, so I'm fine...whew!
2.) This small amount of stick experience came in handy about a year and a half later. I was working in a gas station and taking a bus to work because my car had broken down. The gas station’s owner used to buy old vehicles to fix-up and re-sell. One day he appeared out of the blue to drive me to work in an old pick-up truck he was trying to re-sell. On the way to work, he told me to keep the pick-up for getting to and from work until he found a buyer for it. He was just a cool guy like that. He didn’t pay much in wages, but he took pretty good care of you if you were halfway competent.
Almost immediately after I thanked him, I realized the truck was a stick shift and I'd never driven a stick in my life, aside from my forklift training fiasco. I was afraid that if I mentioned anything about that, he wouldn't let me borrow the truck, so I kept my mouth shut.
As we pulled into the station, it was very busy with lots of people going about their business pumping gas and coming and going from the store. It would be quite embarrassing trying to re-learn stick in front of that audience, so I (cleverly, in my opinion) requested he park behind the station (away from public view) so I could check the fluids and whatnot. And right there, behind that station, is where I taught myself to drive stick. It sputtered and jerked and died for awhile, then once I could get it to accelerate without killing it, I pulled it off the lot and took it down a side street (away from anybody who might know me) and gave myself a crash course. I was totally drenched in nervous sweat. If they would have seen me doing that in front of the station, they surely would have taken the vehicle away from me.
The Originals at Rest
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Found: Hey, Bitch"
Saturday, June 13, 2020
My first memorable car was affectionately nicknamed "The Juggernaut."
It was a massive, nearly indestructible beast that had been driven by a tiny little old lady since the 1970s.
The car was undeniably badass, and I absolutely loved driving it.
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The Juggernaut. |
One other notable feature of the Juggernaut was the top of its front windshield. It must have leaked at some point, because there was a thick border of yellowed foam sealant across the top, along with a significant amount of duct tape.
This detail is visible in a photo of James A and me going through the McDonald's drive-thru. James is wearing a rubber mask of Man-at-Arms from Masters of the Universe.
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Taking the Juggernaut to McDonalds, late 1980s. |
Friday, June 12, 2020
Found Art
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Portrait in eraser on computer mouse pad. |
Cheating at the Pinewood Derby
The only things I really remember from my short time in Cub Scouts are dressing as a monkey for a play, answering “dandelion” when they asked for flower names (and getting laughed at), and the pinewood derby.
For the derby, you got a block of wood and some wheels to make a car and raced it downhill. My dad, still drinking back then, was very into it. One Saturday night, while I was watching SNL, he was in the basement melting lead fishing sinkers with a few beers. He drilled holes in the front of my car, poured in the molten lead to make it heavier, sealed the holes with wood putty, and painted them yellow like headlights. When that looked too obvious, he slathered the whole front of the car in thick yellow paint.
I got the date of the race wrong and missed it, which turned out to be a blessing. Another kid told me they weighed the cars, so my lead-filled masterpiece would’ve gotten me busted and humiliated.
Between that and “dandelion,” Cub Scouts was not my shining moment.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
"Martha Stewart: Apprentice", Week 3 Synopsis
In the morning, Martha called the teams directly from her horse stable. She asked the team, "Just waking up? I've been up for HOURS" (as if she had been personally shoveling horseshit for 5 hours).
This week's task was to design, bake, and sell a wedding cake at a "Wedding Expo." Martha mentioned the wedding industry brings in $72 billion per year and generously allowed the teams to thumb through back issues of Martha Stewart - Weddings magazines for inspiration.
Matchstick team leader Shawn (the short-haired newscaster girl) was so confident, she told George Wannabe (second in charge, after Martha Stewart herself), "If we don't win this one, you can fire me personally". George Wannabe seemed seriously concerned about this rash comment. He confided to the camera that Shawn was, "boisterous".
Over at Primarius (the "Corporate" team), team leader Howie reprimanded his team when they complained he sent them to an Asian wedding store. "That's Bullshit!!!! blah-blah-blah-blah!!!!!"
None of Howie’s team mates had ever seen him become that upset before and they were all relieved when he eventually calmed down and began hugging people instead of screaming at them.
Primarius was working late into the evening and the team members were all exhausted when they were paid a surprise visit by Martha Stewart's daughter, Alexis.
Primarius claims the visit from Alexis, "lifted our spirits" because they enjoyed asking her questions about what it was like being Martha's daughter.
The next morning, Matchstick were so proud of their cake, they were practically screaming with glee. Team member Shawn hated the cake though. She hated everything about it, but mostly that it had a bow on it. She sulked all through the Wedding Expo and throughout the rest of the show.
There was a disgusting clip of Jim and David talking in the bathroom, strategizing in their underwear while David was trimming his facial hair - not good TV.
When all was said and done, Primarius (the "Corporate" team) sold 5 cakes while Matchstick (the "Creative" team) sold ZERO. Martha asked Alexis to bring her back a piece of each team's cake so she could personally sample them.
After sampling the cakes, Martha commented, "It tastes homemade and that's what you want to go for in a cake".
As soon as she said this, Jim nodded excessively with fake enthusiasm, very unconvincingly. If he was trying to communicate that he felt exactly the same way, that's not how it came off. It came off as impulsive, insecure kiss-assery.
Martha shook her head at the Matchstick team for losing all 3 weeks in a row and commented that the Corporate group is, "demolishing the Creative group." Matchstick should be ashamed of themselves.
Primarius' reward for winning was to have desert with Donald Trump and his wife. Martha called Trump personally on his cellphone during desert and Trump told her, "You have a real attractive group of winners here."
The conference room scene was advertised in the commercials as "A Conference Room Twist" and it really was! After the usual nonsense, everyone was sent back to the suite except three members who were singled out. Martha and George Wannabe decided that everyone should be called back into the boardroom though. Their reasoning was that it wasn't the cake's fault nobody bought it and they wanted to fire one of the sales staff. I think the secret reason was because they wanted to fire Shawn for being boisterous earlier.
They asked Shawn why she said they could fire her if Matchstick lost and Shawn said that in the TV business where she works as a newscaster, everybody always says "Fake it 'til you make it" when they can't remember their lines.
Martha countered with, "I've been on TV for 12 years and I've NEVER said, 'Fake it 'til you make it'!!"
She then promptly fired Shawn for endorsing the slogan, "Fake it 'til you make it," as well as for being generally boisterous.
Martha still hasn't developed a catch phrase when she fires people (she probably didn't want to pay Donald Trump to say, "You're Fired" since he copyrighted it). Tonight she said, "I wish you well, but I have to say goodbye." Then she rolled her eyes as the team left the conference room.
Snippet from her goodbye letter to Shawn - "At Martha Stewart Living, everything we do has to be beautiful on the inside and out, just like the wedding cake".
The previews for next week look even better than this week's "Conference Room Twist". The phrase for next week is, "One Team Won't Even Finish"!!! I bet it's Matchstick again.
Alice Chandler
Alice with her portrait by William Mortensen. |
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Jon Sr.
I spoke with my dad, Jon Sr. (or "Uncle Jon" to all the cousins), and it sounds like spring fever has hit Alaska. He just crafted a “gun bag” from an old golf club bag, modifying it to hold his rifles and shotguns, including his massive bear gun. His plan is to mount it to the side of his snowmobile for hunting trips.
On a funny note, I once found an artist's rendering of what Elvis might’ve looked like in his 50s. The resemblance to Jon Sr. is uncanny!
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Jon Sr. dip-netting Hooligan in 1998. |
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Elvis in his 50s. |
Dick the Bruiser
Dick the Bruiser was a famous regional wrestler in the late 1970s and early 1980s, before the WWF bought out all the regional wrestling districts and brought them under one corporate umbrella.
As Hulk Hogan began appearing everywhere, the old-timers, like Dick the Bruiser, were relegated to wrestling in small-town high school gyms.
That’s how we had the chance to meet him in the late 1980s:
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Meeting the legendary Dick the Bruiser. |
Dick the Bruiser was a huge deal in the Midwest, and it was both a mixed blessing and a tragedy to see him wrestling in a small Indiana high school gym after the WWF effectively left him jobless.
Remember when we went to that wrastlin' match at the Fort Wayne Coliseum when we were little kids? That was when Dick the Bruiser was a regional celebrity and his fights were still on TV, right before WWF took over everything.
I remember during one of the matches, someone tried to sneak a blackjack into the ring. I had never even heard of one before. Uncles Jon and Rick had to explain what it was. It was a few years later before I figured out the whole thing was part of the show.
It was Dick the Bruiser that got smacked with the blackjack. After the show the fans just swarmed him, and we got close enough to Dick the Bruiser to see these little marks the blackjack left all over him. That made me think it was real.
There was also a guy carrying around a HUGE bone. That was Leon Redbone! He'd jump of the corner rungs and smack people with that big bone. Then a guy from the audience went after Leon's red bone. I thought he was an old man, and I remember him kind of hunched forward pointing, and he kept saying, "He's got the stick. He's got the stick." I'm not sure that was part of the show or not.
In the late 1980s, Dick the Bruiser was still wrestling, but the show was in our high school gymnasium, instead of on TV. In the heyday of professional wrestling, poor Bruiser was wrestling at high schools! It makes me sick.
Hulk Hogan ruined Dick the Bruiser. But still, I bet he could have joined on with WWF if he would have wanted to. Why do you think he didn't?
About 5 years ago I was reading an interview with some old wrestler who was doing a guest referee stint for the WWF. An interviewer asked him, "What was the worst thing you had to smell during your career as a professional wrestler?" His answer: "Dick the Bruiser". I thought that was a pretty strong statement considering I hadn't seen Dick the Bruiser's name in print since I was a kid at one of his shows. Then here's this old timer who'd seen it all and the worst thing he'd smelled was Dick the Bruiser? Come on! I think he had it in for him. He couldn't have smelt THAT bad!
I just heard a great story about Dick the Bruiser. The Bruiser lived in a pretty nice neighborhood and liked to stir things up. Sometimes when he came home drunk, he liked to put on one of his wife's dresses and wigs and get on his motorcycle and tear through people's yards in the middle of the night. Supposedly, no one ever complained or called the police. Maybe the skid marks Dick left on people's sidewalks added to the value of their property.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Quote from CĂ©line
whenever they get a chance, never fear, people make you waste hours and months ... they use you as a wall to bounce their bullshit off of ... blah! and blah! and blahblahblah! ... you put up with it for an hour, you'll need two weeks to recover ... blah! blah!
- Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line, North
G-ville Message Board Posts
2. Watch what you say because everyone is reading.
3. Get plenty of sleep on work nights.
4. Eat right.
5. Exercise often.
6. Vote.
Boy, the women just can't stand it when we're happy, can they?
Then I could walk around pretty confidently.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Dead Kennedys featured a photo of me head banging in the front row.
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The Dead Kennedys show. |
Why Must God Damn It?
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Why? |
In the late 1980s, I came across a Christian anti-swearing pamphlet somewhere in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It was written by Pastor Jabaay and was #208 in the Silent Evangelist series.
I used to have it posted on my bulletin board in high school, and I've kept it with me ever since. It’s a little hard to believe I still have it today.
I’ve always thought it had a great cover design.
[Originally posted on Rebel Leady Boy, Dec. 21, 2005]
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Webcam Memories
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Hello, World. |
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Hulk Hands Charge. |
Time Saving Tips #1
This will free up more leisure time later at home.
Glad to be helpful, there is no need to pay me.
[Originally posted on Rebel Leady Boy, Feb. 26, 2006]
Friday, June 5, 2020
Zonkboard Comics
Example Zonkboard comic. |
Stump Removal
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Todd & Amanda, pre-clear cutting. |
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Post-clear cutting. |
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Uncle Jon's driveway. |
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Jon Sr. chainsawing through the tundra. |