Friday, June 5, 2020

Potato Launcher

A favorite source of entertainment in Dillingham was the potato launcher.

Our boss made this potato gun out of pvc - exactly the right diameter for a person to stick a potato down the barrel. It had a wider plastic chamber at the bottom with a cap that would screw off, allowing you to spray in the "fuel", which was actually Aqua Net hairspray (until they changed the formula and it was no longer flammable - I forget the name of the brand we switched to after that, but flammable hairspray is the key).

He also incorporated an old electric grill starter and a bolt, so there was a red button to push (the old grill starter) which would send an electrical spark across the chamber, igniting the hairspray.
We also had an old broomstick for a muzzle loader, in case the potato didn't fit perfectly down the barrel.

When the button was pushed, a loud "BANG" would echo throughout the trees and the potato would launch forth at a pretty high velocity, travelling a pretty good distance. My supervisor theorized a potato discharged from this launcher would break a man's ribs.

Potato Launcher.
Taking aim.
Todd prepares to launch a potato.
We used to set up targets in the backyard and shoot the potato gun at them (I think we would mainly use an old trash can lid propped up with rocks.

That was really another advantage of living in the middle of nowhere, we could never have done that in a suburban neighborhood where neighbors would be involved.

[Originally posted on I'm Nacho Steppinstone, Dec. 17, 2004]

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