Monday, May 11, 2020

Van Log, 1994: Idaho

7:45 pm: We have entered the Standard Time Zone and Idaho simultaneously on an amazingly steep downgrade. We're on a mountain road up in the clouds. We saw a sign that said, "Runaway truck Ramp" and that means that, indeed, we're in the Mountains. We're by the Longhorn Bar, the IGA and the Bank of America in some town. I don't know where we're at, but I've had some beers and I've got to piss. Digger and Chuck are hipping us on various Montana laws that are still on the books from the frontier days.

"In Montana, you can shoot Indians from a covered wagon and it's still a Montana law that, when you get out of prison, as long as you don't have parole; they've gotta give you a $20 gold piece, a 30.30 rifle and a good horse. It's still on the books."

"If you catch your wife sleeping with her lover, you can kill them both and get off on it."

"Let's move to Montana."

"It's against the law to take a shower with a mule or any other kind of animal. You can get sent to prison for it. Fags are still outlawed."

"Can you shoot them?"

"No, you can't shoot them."

"From a covered wagon?"

"No. It's just still against the law to be a fag in Montana."

Well, our time in Idaho was brief.
Continue with us into Washington if you want to.

Or, go anywhere:  
Forward by Todd               South Dakota, pt. 1               Washington
Leaving Indiana                South Dakota, pt. 2               British Columbia
Illinois                               Wyoming                               Hyder, AK (side trip)
Wisconsin                         Montana                                Yukon Territory
Minnesota                         Idaho                                     Alaska

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