Sunday, May 10, 2020

Seyfert's Potato Chips

[Compiled from various posts on the Gilliomville message board, contributed by various Gillioms and Franks]:

Can you still get Seyfert's potato chips in Missouri? The Fort Wayne plant is apparently no more, but their main office was in Missouri. It sucks that all the little regional brands are disappearing.

In 1992 Adam and Abby wore red t-shirts saying:  "My DAD works at Seyfert's.”

I remember Rick worked for Seyfert's!  David Letterman featured Myrtle Young as a guest a number of times in the late 1980s - she was an old lady who worked at the Fort Wayne Seyfert's plant and would save all the chips that looked like objects or celebrities. So, she would come on Letterman and share different chips of note. Uncle Rick got me her autograph one year and I still have it.

Myrtle Young autograph.
Seyfert's was the main chip in the Midwest.

I never ate Lays until they totally crowded Seyfert's out of business.
Seyfert's BBQ were the best BBQ chips around.

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