Sunday, May 31, 2020

Morning Mayhem

 At about a quarter after 4:00 am last night, I heard a loud BAM! and wasn't sure if it was inside or outside the house. After some exploring, it turned out to be outside the house, on the street:

Car explosion.
This was next door to me. In fact, in the large pic, you can see the outline of a car in the lower left hand corner. My car was parked right behind that one.

Apparently, a vehicle came careening down the street and smashed into a trailer full of something explosive. In front of the trailer, (though you can't see it through the flames) was a huge tour bus that parks there every 6 months or so and that was on fire too.

I'm glad we still have power, because the flames caught some overhanging power lines, which started sparking and then fell down. That's about when the cops ordered everybody to go back inside their houses.


By the light of day, it is apparent the trailer contained a racecar or dune-buggy of some sort, apparently full of fuel.

[Originally posted on Rebel Leady Boy, Nov. 19, 2005]

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