Monday, May 11, 2020

Van Log, 1994: Washington

9:10 pm: We're in Washington: a long fucking way from Indiana. The Northwestern corner of the United States. We've come a long way, baby, and I'm rolling a cigarette now. I bought my first bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 which I'll have by a campfire somewhere. Mad Dog is not van-drinking stuff. Beer is. I drank some kind of whisky cocktail that our hitchhikers bought for us - Jack Daniels & Iced Tea - it was really good.

I'm infinitely more fucked-up than I thought I would be. I thought I'd be totally sober. There've been no roadside tragedies. Some stupid mistakes, but nothing tragic. I don't even feel my ankle anymore.
Another Montana quote from Digger: "Nothing comes from Montana unless it's either a piece of shit or else it's too god-damned good for society."

"Anything to add?"

"All you need to do is live in Montana for a week to understand the whole entire state. Amen to that".
"This is Digger, I wish you guys the best on your trip. I hope you keep your rubber down & the wind in your hair, or your hair in the wind; and if you smoke a bowl, think of us."

In Alaska, the first bowl will be dedicated to Digger & Chuck and the first beer will be dedicated to James & Jamie in Gillette, Wyoming.

10:00 pm: We just came out of a Burger King in Spokane, having dropped off Digger & Chuck. Digger's full of shit, but he knows how to entertain his rides. He bought us a lot of alcohol. I am pretty fucking drunk! Let's make sure that windshield wiper is on good. Do we wanna go to the store? The Gill Brothers just spilled both of their coffees. If we find a Goodwill, maybe we can get some stuff. Maybe we'll find a raft.
Mel's foot.
1:21 am: We're coming into the "Indian John Hill Rest Area" on West 90. "Limit your stay to 8 hours", we'll be fine, park under that light. We're gonna stay here tonight. My ankle feels like hell & my head feels like shit.

10:02 am: The rest of the crew just got up. I've been up for hours, reading. There were some punk kids having a blast going around knocking on windows & stuff. They avoided this van when they saw me though. I think one of them shit in the urinal, but luckily one of the attendants cleaned it up already. I guess we're going to get up, change clothes, head to Seattle or a suburb of Seattle & go to the grocery store.

I'm gonna clean myself up so much that I'll feel like a King, gonna shine like a diamond, gonna look like I came out of a beauty parlor, gonna wash my armpits.

I found an old cigarette case in my jacket with a roach in it. I'm glad we found it before the border police did.

Day 6, 11:42 am: East of Seattle, beautiful pine trees, mountains & power lines. I'm smoking a roach and Laura's scraping the bowl. We're going through the first tunnel of the trip! It was a short one, but it was fun.

We've been welcomed to Isaquah. We're gonna go to "Tourist Information" so we can find a camp store and a grocery store and get all the shit we need for Canada. There are some really bright flowers to our right. Really big, like a pineapple-sized flower. Far-Far's Danish Ice Cream, that's one of the reasons why I'd like to live in Seattle for a year. We're gonna go to the "Farmer's Market."

The Farmer's Market had no vegetables! They're out of season and we didn't want any flowers.

3:15 pm: We're at K-Mart in Bellingham, about an hour away from the Canadian border & there's a crow flying over the parking lot and I just bowed to it. We're gonna get a new tank for our stove. Well, we haven't tried it since we left Bozeman. Let's try it...After re-examining the Coleman Stove, it works! Laura has two tattoo decals from K-Mart, a butterfly & a heart with wings and she's put them both on her arm.

Here we go, quart of oil in the van and we're ready for the long run out of the country. It's been nice being in Seattle. Lots of coffee everywhere.

4:34 pm: The border is in sight and we're the only gritty van in this cluster. We really do stick out, but they probably see a lot of this. There are a lot of people in front of us and a lot of people behind us. Hopefully they'll just say, "Fuck it. Go on through" and we'll go. OH! Hide the Mountie figure! They didn't like that last time. They don't drive around with, like, FBI Agent figures in their cars.

I just flashed a peace sign to an old guy in a Volvo and he smiled really big & flashed it back. Maybe he's an old hippie. We're about five car lengths from the border and it doesn't look like anybody's being stopped. That's because they see us back here. I bet we get stopped. If we're not careful, we're gonna overheat! Our Customs Official is wearing a hat with dark glasses and has a dark mustache & short hair.

Can we make it past Border Patrol? If so, then Welcome to Canada!
Follow us on to British Columbia

Or, go anywhere:  
Forward by Todd               South Dakota, pt. 1               Washington
Leaving Indiana                South Dakota, pt. 2               British Columbia
Illinois                               Wyoming                               Hyder, AK (side trip)
Wisconsin                         Montana                                Yukon Territory
Minnesota                         Idaho                                     Alaska

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